I've become disturbed and fascinated at the same time about the times we are living in. It's as if the abyss of demons has been released on an unsuspecting world. We don't quite know how to react to it because it has come on so suddenly. This is exactly why the abyss opened up! To catch us unawares! That we can have our vulnerabilities manipulated in such a way that we surrender to things we would normally not.
The grim reaper lies in wait for us to sell our souls to the devil. We have made pacts over the last 2 years that I never thought any American would make. Obvious criminal acts have taken place with zero repercussions while at the same time we broaden evils influence. People we normally have no grind with have all of a sudden become our adversaries. The house divided has fallen and we are reaping the rewards of violence for no authentic purpose or reason.
Satan thrives on pain and anguish. He will often present himself as an angel of light willing to alleviate our grief. There's always a price to pay for compromise. There is always a price for altering your values and principles. Satan just asks that you please sign here and all will be well.
I hope we never forget what we stand for as a people and as a country. Many have sold their souls into slavery just to go along to get along. I'm reminded often that the most valuable things worth having require a battle not just to obtain but to sustain.
I pray we have not lost that part of us we need so badly today!!