God Is Speaking To Us Right Now: Let Those Who Have An Ear!
God is speaking to us right now. Our hearts are closed. Our ears are shut. Our eyes do not see! We accept God's grace in our lives but we reject the hand that delivers it. We live under evil edicts by evil people cultivating the culture.
Yes, God Is Speaking To Us!
We watch history being changed before our very eyes and pander to it with small echoes of dissent in the background. We are slowly surrendering generations of youth to a demonic force from which they will not recover. At the hands of our education system we are witnessing the indoctrination of minds towards the evils of Marxist Communism. Children will learn to hate their neighbors and despise their parents just like we see in today's schools.
Yes, God Is Speaking To Us!
Climate Change is just a control mechanism to enslave us as an infrastructure already doomed to fail. They know it will fail but we watch and conform just like good little soldiers! They will force us into smart devices for our energy so they can control us digitally and seize our property because we can't afford to be obedient. It's already happening and we play into their hands just like we always do.
God Is Being Fair By Warning Us Of Impending Doom!!
The world around us has been coming against us for a while now. The United Nations is coordinating with NGO's to eradicate our Southern Border. We are paying them to do it. We've surrendered control of the same border to the Mexican Cartels. We're allowing this invasion with our eyes closed. Treasonous people are being allowed to dismantle our country. Our most imminent enemy is being allowed to buy up our farmland. They also occupy property around our most sensitive military bases.
Eat, drink and be merry is the motto of the day as the world is collapsing around us. We don't even know how to cry out to God anymore we've so lost our way. I'm grateful for the few who hear God's voice and make efforts to correct the wrongs. I'm thankful for the churches that haven't gone woke that know how to solicit God's help! I pray and we better all pray that God will continue to have mercy on us. He will only warn us so long; then his voice will disappear until Christ The Lord Closes Out History!
Are we paying attention yet? Let's get strong and humble ourselves to the only God that can set things right Amen!!!